DateCreated | DateTime | Date/time message was processed |
Id | String | Unique ID for the message |
ResponseNotes () |
| Collection of validation messages |
| String |
| String |
| Enum | Error, Warning, Info |
Status | Enum | Failed, Succeed, Unknown |
Payments () | Collection |
AccountReferenceNo | String |
- ExternalAccountReferenceNo
| String |
| Integer |
| DateTime |
| Decimal (10, 2) |
| Decimal (10, 2) | The amount of commission Debitsuccess charged on the payment. |
| String | Description of payment |
| Enum | NoAuthority, AccountClosed, InsufficientFunds, AuthorityStopped, NoError, InvalidAccount, Declined, CardExpired, RestrictedCard, LostOrStolenCard |
| Enum | Payment, DebtCollectionPayment, PaidAtBusiness, OneOffPayment, AccountTransfer, Refund, SuspensionFee, CancellationFee DebtCallFee** EstablishmentFee** MiscellaneousFee** PenaltyFee** Service** TransferFee** |
| Enum | DirectDebit, AutomaticPayment, CreditCard, BankImport, Cash, Cheque, DebtCollection, DirectCredit, MoneyOrder, PaidtoFacility, TelephoneBanking, Transfer, Suspense, EFTPOS, ManualReceipting, ReAllocation, CreditCardOther, CreditUnion |
| Integer | Unique identifier for the payment |
- ExternalTransactionIdentifier
| String | A unique identifier for the transaction |
| Integer | Unique identifier for the reversed payment |