These numbers are only valid for the following responses in the test system.
Bank Accounts
Account Number | Transaction Error |
031556012476700 | AccountClosed |
031556043112600 | AutorityStopped |
010843005219130 | Declined |
118003090392230 | InvalidAccount |
030547063352200 | InsufficientFunds |
123233059863300 | NoAutority |
Credit Cards
For credit cards, note we only support the following:
Credit Card Number | Transaction Error |
378282246310005 | Declined |
371449635398431 | InsufficientFunds |
4012001038443335 | LostOrStolenCard |
Test Data
The following Visa card numbers can be used with the Debitsuccess development of web services. Other card details may result in a declined transaction. Valid until date must be in the future. Any or no CVC can be passed.
4111111111111111 Always returns Authorised.
4999999999999990 Always returns Declined.
4999999999999236 Always returns Declined.
4999999999999269 Always returns Declined.
4999999999999202 Always returns ServiceBusy.
4012001036275556 Uses 3D Secure, returns ServiceBusy.*
4012001038443335 Does not use 3D Secure, returns Authorised.*
4012001037141112 Uses 3D Secure, returns Authorised.*
4005559876540 Uses 3D Secure, returns Authorised.*
4012001037167778 Uses 3D Secure, returns Authorised.*
4012001037141369 Uses 3D Secure, returns Authorised.*
4024007187806731 Returns StatusRequired.
Any other numbers or details presented with invalid end dates will get declined transactions.
Note: 3D Secure is not enabled in our platform as it is not required by our payment processor, however, this may become a requirement at any time. The 3D secure cards above* may not behave as expected.
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