Active customer accounts with an amount owing, as at the end of the day yesterday. This file will include only a single record per customer per day.
Field Name | Data Type | Field Description | Format/ Possible Field Values |
RunDate | date | Date of data extraction | YYYY-MM-DD |
BusinessName | varchar(50) | Trading name of the business | |
BusinessAccount | varchar(50) | Business account name | |
ContractPrefix | char(6) | Contract Prefix associated with the business account | |
CustomerFirstName | varchar(40) | Customer's first name | |
CustomerLastName | varchar(40) | Customer's last name | |
DebitsuccessID | varchar(15) | Debitsuccess customer ID | |
OverdueAmount | numeric(8, 2) | Overdue amount | |
CatchupAmount | numeric(10, 2) | Amount arranged with the customer to catch up on overdue payments | |
LastReversalReason | varchar(20) | Reason for last payment failure | |
LastReversalDate | date | Date of last payment failure | YYYY-MM-DD |
OverdueStatus | int | Indicate overdue stages with increasing severity | Refer to description in Overdue Status |