Compliance Requirements

Compliance Requirements

This page details what you need to show and capture, when onboarding a customer, to ensure your sign up process is compliant with the relevant direct debit and credit card rules for billing.

It is important to ensure your onboarding process is compliant and ideally, you are capturing evidence of this (for example, a capture of the completed sign up form with agreements ticked) otherwise in the case of a customer disputing payments the bank will rule in favour of them and give back the money collected.

Customer Details

You must collect and display the customer’s details:

  • name, date of birth, gender, physical address, email address, and phone number.

If you plan to sign up customers under 18 years of age you would need to ensure that you also capture details of a guarantor. The guarantor information can be submitted to Debitsuccess through the appropriate web service/API message.

Payment Details

You must clearly display the payment details including the:

  • minimum payment period, instalment amount, frequency of instalment, first payment date, and the total value of the contract.


You must display all fees that are being passed onto the customer on the sign-up page:

  • Fees – Administration fee, Joining fee

Payment Options

You must display the payment options.

You can choose to support both credit card and bank account payment options, or any one of them.

Credit Card:  

  • CC Number, Name on CC, Expiry Date, Card Type i.e., Visa, Master Card, Amex

Bank Account:

  • Name of Financial Institute/Depository Bank, Branch, Account Name, Account Number, and the following declaration with the Direct Debit logo.

Bank account payment declaration for New Zealand:

Authorisation Code: 0132745

“I/We confirm that I have authority over this bank account, and that it can be operated severally. I/We authorise you until further notice to debit my/our account with all amounts which Debitsuccess Limited, the registered initiator of the above Authorisation Code, may be initiated by Direct Debit. I/We acknowledge and accept that the bank account accepts this authority only upon the conditions set out in this form.”

Bank account payment declaration for Australia:


"I/We authorise Debitsuccess Pty Ltd ACN 095 551 581, APCA User ID Number 507519, 387342, 496485, 621258, 518466 or 184534 to debit my/our account at the Financial institution identified here through the Bulk Electronic Clearing System (BECS). I confirm that I have authority over this bank account, and that it can be operated severally.”

Terms and Conditions

You must display the Debitsuccess Terms and Conditions and must be mandatory to “positively accept” it, for both credit card and bank account payment options.


You must display the following final declaration to the customer on the sign-up page (for both credit card and bank account payment options):

  1. The following declaration should be included for New Zealand and Australia:

“You warrant, declare and acknowledge that:

The information given by you in entering this agreement is correct and will be relied upon by us.

  1. You have read this agreement (including the Direct Debit Request and the Debitsuccess Terms and Conditions) before accepting them.

  2. This agreement (including the Direct Debit Request and the Debitsuccess Terms and Conditions) will become binding upon all parties once you have ticked in the "I agree" box below and the "Submit Form" button has been clicked.”

2. Must be mandatory to “positively accept” the declaration.







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