Full Service Billing

Full Service Billing

Overview of Full-service Billing Process

Full-service billing is where a business allows Debitsuccess to manage the financial relationship with their customers, this allows the business to concentrate on their core business.

The level of autonomy that Debitsuccess has can be specified by the business and can include any or all of the following:

  1. Follow up with the customer when a payment fails (using SMS, emails and phone calls)

  2. Change the day and/or frequency that a customers payment is collected

  3. Arrange a catch-up plan to recover missed payments

  4. If Debitsuccess cannot recover an overdue account then the debt can optionally be passed to a debt collection agency

Full Service Billing Usecases

Onboarding Customers, result in the creation of a new account through which a customer is billed:


Managing Customer Account, result in changes in the information held about an account or customer:


Monitoring Customer Accounts, enables the retrieval of historical information about changes and activity related to accounts:


Web Service Messages

The most common API messages that would be used for full-service billing are:






POST Account

Creates customer account information (customer name, address, email addresses, phone numbers, ExternalAccountReferenceNo.



POST PaymentToken for Account Payment

Retrieves a token and a URL that allows you to redirect the customer to a form to either securely capture new payment details (bank account or credit card) or process a real-time payment. 


GET Payment Status

Retrieves the details of accounts that have been loaded or updated within a specified date range, or by the specified accountID.


GET Payment History

Returns a list of payments between a specified date range for the current user or by the specified accountID.


GET OverdueStatusChanges

Retrieves the details of overdue status or amount changes from the Debitsuccess billing system within the specified date range.


POST Schedule (Recurring)

POST Schedule (One-off)

Creates a new recurring or one-off payment schedule for a customer. 



POST Schedule (suspension)

Allows a customer's payments to be suspended between two dates. If no end date is set then an open-ended suspension will be created.

Update customer details


PUT Customer

A set of APIs to update customers personal details, address, phone numbers, and addresses.

CancelAccount and AdjustAccountFixedTerm


POST Close Account

Allows cancellation of an existing account within the Debitsuccess billing system.










Full-service Only APIs

The following APIs are meant to be used only for the full-service billing process:



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