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The GetCasualPaymentToken method allows you to retrieve a token and a URL which allows you to redirect the customer to a form to process a real-time casual payment. A casual payment is a real-time payment but the payment relates to the business and not associated with a customer account in particular.

 It requires the following information:

  1. Contract Prefix

  2. Amount

  3. Call back URL

  4. Payment notes

  5. Payment Ref 

It gives you a few options such asUsing the PaymentToken for casual payment or GetCasualPaymentToken gives you the following options:

  1. Get the customer to make a payment without having an account with Debitsuccess

  2. Paynow URL where customer can make payment

  3. At the end of the operation, the user will be redirected to the call back URL provided in the request message and the status of the operation will be returned as a URL parameter.

  4. The token has a lifespan of 10 minutes. This will mean that the customer needs to access the payment form URL within 10 minutes of the token being issued.

  5. The token is for a one-time usage. Once the operation has started (link is clicked), it cannot be reused.

  6. For each facility you can provide a Webhook URL which, after approval, we will store in our database. We will post the transaction details to this Webhook URL once as a JSON object. The transaction details are the same as what we send back for CallbackURL - the WebhookToken, PaymentFormToken, Status, Message, ResponseCode.


We recommend that you store the WebhookToken we provide in the response securely to authenticate the information received through the WebhookURL is from Debitsuccess.


Use the Generate PaymentToken for casual payment endpoint of Customer Services API to make a casual payment using credit card.



Provide the following:

  • amount Amount to pay.

  • callbackURL The URL the customer needs to be redirected to after the operation.

  • paymentNote Any notes to be recorded against the payment.

  • paymentRef if provided must be unique at ContractPrefix level.


The GetCasualPaymentToken method allows you to retrieve a token and a URL which allows you to redirect the customer to a form to process a real-time casual payment. It requires the following information:

  1. Contract Prefix

  2. Amount

  3. Call back URL

  4. Payment notes

  5. Payment Ref 

Sample Request

Code Block
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:deb="Debitsuccess.WebServices.WCF" xmlns:deb1="" xmlns:deb2=""> 

Sample Response

Code Block
<s:Envelope xmlns:s=""> 
      <ActivityId CorrelationId="f571ec94-9814-4c43-9e99-a8dc95a97f1b" xmlns="">00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</ActivityId> 
     <GetCasualPaymentTokenResponse xmlns="Debitsuccess.WebServices.WCF"> 
        <GetCasualPaymentTokenResult xmlns:a="" xmlns:i=""> 
            <DateCreated xmlns="">2020-09-23T07:18:29.6292414+12:00</DateCreated> 
            <Id xmlns="">2f4ad37b-7508-4e98-b16e-9738b1930bb7</Id> 
           <ResponseNotes xmlns=""> 
            <Status xmlns="">Succeed</Status> 
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