On-board a customer account for a fixed cost course or product
Create a customer account for a fixed cost course or product using RestFul API requests in the following order:
It is required to provide mandatory details for Address, Phone Number, and Email Address when creating a customer using POST Create Customer. They will be created as the preferred address, phone number and email address accordingly.
POST https://<ServerURL>/CustomerServices/v1.0/customers
2. Create Account.
The request parameter fixedTerm
must be set to true to ensure the account closes once the customer has paid off the amount owing.
When you create an account you can specify up to three recurring schedules.
POST https://<ServerURL>/CustomerServices/v1.0/accounts
3. Create PaymentMethod using the widget.
<script src="https://oc.debitsuccess.com/dswidget/dsPaymentFormWidget.js"></script>
When signing up a new customer you will generally use the PostCustomerAccount to create an account and GetPaymentToken to capture the payment details. The PostCustomerAccount also allows you to capture the bank account number and credit card details. However, it is recommended to use GetPaymentToken to adhere to PCI Compliance.
1. Create a customer account
For the PostCustomerAccount message you will need to capture the following information:
Customer Information
Title, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName - Customer name
At least one address (Billing or Physical)
At least one phone number (Home, Business, Mobile - ideally mobile so that Debitsuccess can contact the customer via SMS if required)
Contract Information
Date that the customer wants their account to start (this is the date the customer will be charged the establishment fee if there is one)TermType
Months or Payments (for a fixed price item this would normally be payments)Term
Length in month or payments (depending on TermType).FixedTerm
Set to true (to ensure the account closes once they have paid off the amount owing)FIxTotalValue
Set to true if the amount to be collected is not exactly equal to recurring instalment amount * number of paymentsTotalValue
Set to the amount to be collected if it is not exactly equal to recurring instalment amount * number of payments. For example, 6 months term with fortnightly payments of $28 should be $364 which might be more than 13 payments for half a year.
Payment Structure
Recurring payment information:
If there is a requirement to take an initial payment of a different value then a one-off schedule can also be set up using the following fields:
Client Information
The country that the business is operating inContractPrefix
An identifier for your business that you will be given along with your web service credentials
Other useful fields
When loading an account via any Debitsuccess channel you can specify an Account Code, Account Code can be used for different purposes but the intention is that it will be a code that indicates what type of membership a customer has signed up for or what type of product a customer is buying.
AccountCode is returned when you retrieve account details using one of the GetCustomerAccount messagesExternalAccountReferenceNo
If you have your own unique reference for a customer account you can provide that here and use this value when retrieving or updating accounts subsequentlyWaiveEstFee
If your business has been configured to charge establishment fees to the customer you can choose to override this by passing true in this field, if you do this the establishment fee will be charged back to your business instead of the customer.
Sample Request Message
Debit $1150 over 12 monthly payments (11 payments of $100 and one 1 payment of $50)
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:deb="Debitsuccess.WebServices.WCF" xmlns:deb1="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Debitsuccess.WebServices.Core">
<deb1:PhysicalAddress>Address line 1</deb1:PhysicalAddress>
<deb1:PhysicalLocality>Address line 2</deb1:PhysicalLocality>
Sample Response Message
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ActivityId CorrelationId="b8ffd96a-b17f-4f2c-9acc-32d95de73178" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/2004/09/ServiceModel/Diagnostics">00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000</ActivityId>
<PostCustomerAccountResponse xmlns="Debitsuccess.WebServices.WCF">
<PostCustomerAccountResult xmlns:a="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Debitsuccess.WebServices.Core" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
2. Capture payment details
Once the customer account is created you can use GetPaymentToken to get a unique URL for a form where the customer can complete their payment details (bank account or credit card number). Refer to the use case for using GetPaymentToken to capture payment details.
Related Articles
GetPaymentToken — Retrieves a token and a URL that allows you to redirect the customer to a form to either capture new payment details (bank account or credit card) or process a real-time payment.
PostCustomerAccount — Allows customer and account details to be loaded into the Debitsuccess system for billing. This call can also be used to create B2B (business) type accounts.
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