Gets the status of a refund submitted via Initiate Refund
The ExternalRefundIdentifier will be supplied in the parameter, it will return one of the following status;
Awaiting Review
The ExternalRefundIdentifier can be the value provided in the initial request or the GUID returned when no value was provided
Users can also use the RefundRequestNo to get the refund status
Name | Data Type | Length |
| Description |
User |
| String |
| Required | Provided by Debitsuccess |
| String |
| Required | Provided by Debitsuccess |
RequestInitiator | String | 100 | Optional | Optional – allows requesting user to be logged |
AccountReferenceNo | String | 15 | Optional* | Debitsuccess account reference |
ExternalAccountReferenceNo | String | 50 | Optional* | External account reference |
RefundRequestNumber | Integer |
| Optional** | Refund ID provided on successful submission of InitateRefund |
ExternalRefundIdentifier | String | 50 | Optional** | Your Refund ID provided in InitiateRefund |
At least one of the following parameters must be supplied:
*AccountReferenceNo, ExternalAccountReferenceNo
**RefundRequestNo, ExternalRefundIdentifier
Name | Data Type | Description |
DateCreated | DateTime | Date/time message was processed |
Id | String | Unique ID for the message |
ResponseNotes () |
| Collection of validation messages |
| String |
| String |
| Enum | Error, Warning, Info |
Status | Enum | Failed, Succeed, Unknown |
ExternalRefundIdentifier | String | Returns either
Note | String | Additional information relating to the Refund Status |
RefundAmount | Integer | Amount of Refund |
RefundRequestNumber | Integer | ID for refund |
RefundStatus | String | Current status of Refund;
Error Messages
Type | Error Code | Error Message |
Error | 12016 | Missing required reference number. Must provide either ExternalAccountReferenceNo or AccountReferenceNo or both. |
Error | 08 | There is no record found with this criteria |
Error | 07 | Multiple accounts found with this criteria |
Error | 02 | Invalid user credentials |
Error | 14144 | ExternalRefundIdentifier or RefundRequestNumber is required for this request |
Error | 14145 | No refund request found for supplied identifiers associated with this Account |
Info | 00 | Success |
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