SOAP API Error Codes
chitra.b (Unlicensed)
Ross Taylor
Code | Description |
00 | Success! |
14082 | This account will be in credit at termination date. |
Code | Description |
Code | Description |
01 | The server is not available |
02 | Invalid credentials provided |
04 | Account already exists (Duplicate accounts) |
05 | Request Time out |
06 | Unknown exception occurred during processing of this message |
07 | Multiple accounts found with this criteria |
08 | There is no record found with this criteria |
09 | Failed to complete the process |
10 | Account is not active |
11 | Timeout/Deadlock Error - Please retry |
100 | SOAP message validation error |
12001 | Missing ContractPrefix value |
12002 | Missing client first name |
12003 | Missing address parameter. Must provide either PhysicalAddress or BillingAddress or both |
12004 | Missing or invalid PhysicalPostcode parameter |
12005 | Invalid Account.StartDate.The date must be in the future |
12006 | Missing PhysicalCity parameter |
12007 | Missing PhysicalSuburb parameter |
12008 | Missing or invalid BillingPostcode parameter |
12009 | Missing BillingCity parameter |
12010 | Missing BillingSuburb parameter |
12011 | Either Home, mobile or work phone number should be supplied |
12012 | Missing Schedule Instalment |
12013 | Missing AccountNo parameter |
12014 | Missing AccountHolder parameter |
12015 | Missing New PaySchedule request object |
12016 | Missing required reference number. Must provide either ExternalAccountReferenceNo or AccountReferenceNo or both. |
12017 | Missing Description |
12021 | Missing PhysicalState parameter |
12022 | Missing BillingState parameter |
12023 | Missing phone number parameter |
12024 | Missing City parameter |
12025 | Missing Suburb parameter |
12026 | Missing or invalid Postcode parameter |
12027 | Missing Street parameter |
12028 | Missing State parameter |
12029 | Missing NewPaymethod parameter |
12030 | Missing NewExternalAccountReferenceNo parameter |
12031 | Missing NextPaymentDate parameter |
12032 | Missing PhysicalLocality parameter |
12033 | Missing BillingLocality parameter |
12034 | Missing Locality parameter |
12035 | Missing MobileNumber parameter |
12036 | Notes must not be empty |
13001 | Invalid Contract Prefix |
13002 | Invalid invoice/schedule start date |
13003 | Invalid Recurring schedule frequency |
13004 | Invalid value for Account’s Term |
13005 | Invalid or missing credit card number |
13006 | Invalid ExpiryDate |
13007 | Invalid bank account number |
13008 | Invalid request. Cannot set AdjustFutureSchedules to true as the method or operation is not implemented yet. |
13009 | Invalid MinimumEffectiveDate.The date must be in the future. |
13010 | Invalid request. Adjust & Delete future schedules cannot both be set to true. |
13011 | Invalid date. The StopPaymentsUntil date must be in the future |
13012 | Invalid Amount value |
13013 | Invalid account - Internal validation error, please contact Debitsuccess quoting the message reference ID for more information |
13014 | Invalid Email Address |
13015 | Invalid account country – country differs from expected value |
13016 | Invalid address type |
13017 | Invalid Prefered – ClubWare cannot be set as preferred |
13018 | Invalid CVC number. |
13019 | AccountHolder cannot exceed 50 characters. |
13020 | Total value can only be fixed if the account is for a fixed term |
13021 | Total Value exceeds the maximum value based on the term, instalment and frequency |
13022 | Total Value is less than the minimum value based on the term, instalment and frequency |
13023 | Date of birth is not valid |
13024 | Invalid Emergency Phone – Emergency name is required |
13025 | Invalid Home Phone STD |
13026 | Invalid Business Phone STD |
13027 | Invalid Emergency Phone STD |
13028 | Invalid Mobile Phone STD |
13029 | Invalid Phone STD |
13030 | Supplied current total value differs from held total value |
13031 | New total value may not be more than the current total value |
13032 | New total value may not be less than the amount already paid |
13040 | Refund amount exceeds amount that has been paid |
13050 | Future schedules exist and must be either adjusted or deleted |
13051 | Schedule end date is invalid for a recurring schedule with no subsequent schedules |
13052 | Schedule end date is invalid for a one-off schedule |
13053 | Adjust and delete future schedules are invalid when adding a one-off schedule |
13054 | Schedule end date must be on or after today |
13055 | Schedule end date must be before the next schedule start date |
13056 | Schedule end date cannot be before its start date |
13057 | Previous schedule end date must be provided when creating a schedule that will not be aligned with the current schedules |
13058 | Schedule frequency ‘NotSpecified’ is not allowed. |
13059 | Installment must be $1 or more. |
13060 | Transaction identifier is not unique |
13061 | Card payment amount must be greater than or equal to $1 and less than your configured maximum value |
13062 | Payment Notes cannot exceed 40 characters |
13063 | Transaction identifier is not valid |
13064 | 3d secure authorisation response is required |
13065 | CVC number is required |
13066 | A transaction is being processed for this identifier |
13067 | Transaction identifier cannot be empty |
13068 | Diner cards are not supported |
13069 | Token cards are not yet supported |
13070 | Amount cannot be more than the outstanding balance. |
13071 | Date of payment required. |
13073 | Payments cannot be collected for accounts without any schedules |
13074 | CreateOneOffCharge must be True for Gateway Accounts |
13075 | ExternalTransactionIdentifier field cannot be more than 50 characters long |
13076 | Cannot find commission details configured. Please contact Debitsuccess |
13077 | Cannot find valid merchant details configured. Please contact Debitsuccess |
13078 | The stored credit card has expired |
13080 | Last Access date/time invalid – cannot be in the future or less than minimum value |
13090 | Start date must not be after end date |
13091 | New suspension overlaps with an existing suspension |
13092 | No payment schedule for suspension found |
13093 | Start date must not be in the past |
13094 | Frequency must be NotSpecified or OneOff when fee is 0.00 |
13095 | Frequency must not be NotSpecified when fee is not 0.00 |
13096 | Fee must not be smaller than 0.00 |
13097 | Number of payment cycles must be at least 1 |
13100 | New start date must not be in the past |
13102 | The new start date must not be more than 1 year in the future |
13104 | Account is already active |
13110 | Specified account cannot be copied |
13111 | New payment schedules cannot be created as the account is currently set to StopPayments |
13120 | NextPaymentDate must not be today or in the past |
13121 | NextPaymentDate must not be more than 7 days later than current payment date |
13122 | NextPaymentDate must not be more than 14 days later than current payment date |
13123 | NextPaymentDate must not be before the account start date |
13131 | PaySchedule for given PayScheduleId not found |
13132 | PaySchedule already started |
13133 | Cannot delete the only scheduled payment of the account. |
13134 | Cannot delete schedules of class Miscellaneous. |
13135 | Cannot delete scheduled payment with a gap between previous scheduled payment |
13136 | Cannot delete active scheduled payment with no subsequent scheduled payment |
13141 | Suspension for given PayScheduleId not found |
13142 | Suspension already finished |
13143 | Adjusted suspension is overlapping with existing one |
13144 | New suspension end date must not be before suspension start date |
13145 | New suspension end date must not be in the past |
13150 | No contract found for given contract prefix |
13151 | Multiple contracts found for given contract prefix |
13152 | Contract prefix must not be null, empty or white space |
13170 | No payment method found for the account. Please add one and try again |
13171 | Cannot process this request as your Facility is missing key configuration. Please contact Debitsuccess directly to resolve this. |
13200 | Title field cannot be more than 10 characters long |
13201 | Account code field cannot be more than 50 characters long |
13202 | Account field contains unallowed characters |
13203 | <fieldName> field cannot be more than <maxlength> characters. |
13204 | field contains unallowed characters |
13300 | Invalid BillingState - please refer to the API documentation for valid values |
13301 | Invalid PhysicalState - please refer to the API documentation for valid values |
13302 | Invalid State - please refer to the API documentation for valid values |
14022 | Invalid amount |
14032 | Invalid date range – start date and end date must be within 7 days |
14033 | Invalid start date – start date must be less than end date |
14034 | RequestType is required |
14035 | PayMethodType is required |
14036 | Amount is required when RequestType is RealTimePayment |
14037 | Amount must be greater than one |
14038 | Real time payments can only be processed for Credit Cards. Please ensure PayMethodType is CreditCard when RequestType is RealTimePayment |
14039 | Missing required CallBackUrl |
14040 | CallBackUrl cannot exceed 256 characters |
14041 | PaymentNote is required if CreateOneOffCharge is true |
14042 | PaymentNote cannot exceed 30 characters |
14043 | Invalid CallBackUrl - Ensure URL is correctly formatted. Example: |
14044 | The Amount provided is more than the maximum amount allowed to pay for this account. Please ensure amount is between <replaced with minimum amount> and <replaced with amount allowed to pay> |
14045 | Amount cannot be more than the outstanding balance when account is set to fixed term |
14046 | Invalid PaySchedule – you can only delete penalty fee schedule |
14047 | Cannot delete Penalty Fee that have already started |
14048 | Term or Term Type cannot be changed when account is set to fixed term. Please use AdjustAccountTotalValue instead. |
14049 | Both NewTerm and NewTermType must be provided. |
14051 | No active payment method found for the account |
14052 | Real-time payment cannot be processed for this account because the stored payment method is not a credit card |
14053 | Card details should not be supplied when UseStoredCreditCard is true |
14054 | Cannot find the provided TargetFacilityIdentifier |
14055 | TargetFacilityIdentifier is required. |
14056 | Cannot transfer across facilities. Please ensure the target facility account (TargetFacilityIdentifier) is from the same facility as the account being transferred. |
14057 | Cannot transfer account that has already been billed. |
14058 | No active facility account found for the User. |
14059 | Please ensure the contract prefix is active. |
14060 | Invalid PageNumber – PageNumber must not be less than 1. |
14061 | Invalid PageNumber – PageNumber must not be greater than page count. |
14071 | Incomplete Bank Account routing number. Please follow - Account Number Format: <routing number 9 digits><account type code 2 digits><account number 4 to 17 digits>. |
14072 | Incomplete Bank Account account type. Please follow - Account Number Format: <routing number 9 digits><account type code 2 digits><account number 4 to 17 digits>. |
14073 | Incomplete Bank Account account number. Please follow - Account Number Format: <routing number 9 digits><account type code 2 digits><account number 4 to 17 digits>. |
14074 | Invalid Bank Account account type code. Available Account type codes CP (Checking Personal), SP (Saving Personal), CB (Checking Business), SB (Saving Business). |
14075 | Account Number cannot exceed 35 characters. |
14076 | Account Number must be a numeric value. |
14077 | Account Number cannot exceed 17 characters. |
14078 | Account cannot be set to stop mail as it’s currently overdue. |
14079 | Invalid Termination Date. Account has already been billed for the period covered by the Termination date. |
14080 | Invalid Request – The account currently has an open-ended Suspension schedule. |
14081 | Termination date cannot be within current billing cycle. |
14083 | Cannot transfer this account as payments have already been settled to the account’s existing Facility Identifier. |
14084 | Cannot create this type of Schedule on a closed account. |
14086 | The Termination Date cannot be earlier than the Final Bill Date. |
14087 | The FinalBillDate cannot be earlier than Today’s Date. |
14088 | The FinalBillDate and TerminationDate are both required. |
14089 | The account is terminated and cannot be modified by this request. |
14090 | The ExternalScheduleIdentifier field has a character length limit of 50 |
14091 | Termination date cannot be in the past. |
14092 | For creating new guarantor, the {0} field are required. |
14093 | Relation field cannot be more than 50 characters long. |
14094 | City field cannot be more than 50 characters long. |
14095 | Street field cannot be more than 50 characters long. |
14096 | PostCode field cannot be more than 50 characters long. |
14097 | The field has a character length limit of 50. |
14098 | The ScheduleExternalIdentifier is not unique and has been used for a Schedule previously. Please retry with a different ScheduleExternalIdentifier. |
14099 | InitialScheduleExternalIdentifier cannot have same value as RecurringScheduleExternalIdentifier. |
14100 | Suspension Start Date cannot be prior to the Account Start Date. |
14101 | Invalid Start Date - start date must not be empty or in the future. |
14104 | Invalid Date range - start date and end date must be within 31 days. |
14105 | This Facility Account is configured to add a commission amount to the instalment based on payment method. No payment method has been supplied, please add one and retry. |
14106 | A customer cannot have more than two active accounts where one is for an Add on product. |
14107 | Cannot update the payment method as this account is an Add on Product. Please update the main account for this customer. |
14108 | AccountRefereceNo cannot be from an add on facility account. |
14109 | Start date and End date cannot be more than 1 month apart. |
14110 | Get retry status for GetPaymentHistoryByStatusForDateRange is disabled. |
14111 | New payment schedules cannot be created as the account is currently set to StopPayments{0}. |
14113 | The GetPaymentHistoryStatusByAccountId feature is disabled. |
14114 | No active payment schedule found for this account. |
14115 | The stored credit card type is not supported by this business |
14116 | PaymentRef cannot exceed 50 characters. |
14117 | The Amount provided is less than the minimum amount allowed for this contract prefix. Please ensure amount is between {0} and {1} |
14118 | The Amount provided is more than the maximum amount allowed for this contract prefix. Please ensure amount is between {0} and {1} |
14119 | Cannot find commission details configured for this business. Please contact Debitsuccess. |
14120 | PaymentRef is required. |
14121 | AccountCode is required. |
14122 | Name field is required for emergency phone type. |
14123 | Street cannot exceed 60 characters. |
14124 | Locality cannot exceed 60 characters. |
14125 | City cannot exceed 50 characters. |
14126 | Suburb cannot exceed 50 characters. |
14127 | Unable to validate routing number. |
14128 | Feature not supported for payment gateway account. |
14129 | FirstName and LastName fields cannot be more than 29 characters. |
14130 | HomePhone field cannot be more than 20 characters long. |
14131 | WorkPhone field cannot be more than 20 characters long. |
14132 | MobilePhone field cannot be more than 75 characters long. |
14133 | EmailAddress field cannot be more than 75 characters long. |
14134 | State field cannot be more than 20 characters long. |
14135 | Invalid FirstName Invalid LastName Invalid Relationship Invalid State Invalid Suburb Invalid City Invalid Locality Invalid Postcode |
14136 | Guarantor must be at least 18 years old. |
14139 | The Description field has a character length limit of 50. |
14142 | ResumePayment is only allowed for Account with Manual Payment Stop as Collection Stop Reason. |
14206 | Invalid Number |
14143 | ExternalRefundIdentifier already exists for a Refund for this Account |
14144 | ExternalRefundIdentifier or RefundRequestNumber is required for this request |
14145 | No refund request found for supplied identifiers associated with this Account |
Code | Description |
Code | Description |
13072 | Amount is more than the outstanding balance. |
13112 | This account is currently set to StopPayments. Unless this is removed prior to the schedule start date, the payment will not be attempted. |
14001 | StopPayment has already been set to true. |
14002 | The account is due to bill today and may still get billed if the payment processing is in progress. |
14003 | Account should currently be DD Stopped (StopPayment should be true). |
14004 | The next billing date for the account has been set to the new schedule start date. |
14005 | Customer is a minor. Guarantor information should be provided to Debitsuccess. |
14008 | There is no record found with this criteria. |
14010 | Suspension is not aligned with payment schedule and will result in pro-rata payments |
14011 | Suspension end date is after the payment schedule finish date |
14020 | DateTime field contains time part, but the time is ignored by message. |
14021 | Decimal field contains more than 2 decimal points that were ignored by message |
14030 | WaiveEstFee is set, but facility pays admin fee. Waive flag ignored. |
14031 | WaiveEstFee is set, but facility has no admin fee. Waive flag ignored. |
14050 | Account cannot be set to term when it is already set to term. |
14062 | Post account start date is today and it is after the cut off time, so the next bill date is set to next working date. |
14063 | New Schedule start date is today and the request is after the Cut off time, so the next bill date is set to next working date. |
14070 | Account TotalValue has not changed. |
14085 | This account will be terminated prior to the next billing date. No further payments will be attempted. |
14101 | No BPAY transactions were found for the date range provided. |
14102 | No Legal Address found on file. Please contact Debitsuccess to add one. |
14112 | This account is currently set to StopPayments{0}. Unless this is removed prior to the schedule start date, the payment will not be attempted. |
14201 | No BPay transactions were found for the date range provided. |
14300 | Account already has the same active payment method |
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