Using our hosted payments form (PayNow)
PayNow is a web interface that allows customers to make real-time payments using their bank account or credit card (as configured by the business). PayNow can be used to perform the following functions:
Function | API |
Capture new payment method details | GetPaymentToken SOAP |
Processing a real-time card payment | GetPaymentToken SOAP |
Processing a real-time casual payment |
Note: To avoid the risk of double debiting, a customer will not be able to make a payment through PayNow if their account is due to be billed that day.
Capture new payment method details
Capture new payment method details for an account using the GetPaymentToken call as part of the sign-up process. If the account does not already exist it should be loaded through PostCustomerAccount (Payment method information can be configured as optional at the Debitsuccess end).
If the account is closed and you want to reactivate the account with new payment details you need to use PostCustomerAccountForExistingCustomer or PostCustomerAccount first, because we do not support updating payment details for closed accounts.
If you are using REST API, Payment Method Capture Widget can be used to capture customer’s payment method details.
Call GetPaymentToken with the following key parameters:
Parameter | Description |
| Debitsuccess reference for account |
| Business/Client reference for account Note: either AccountReferenceNo or ExternalAccountReferenceNo or both can be provided |
| UpdatePaymentDetail |
| CreditCard, BankAccount, or Both. Both - Allows the user to save either bank account or CC details |
| Redirect URL where the customer will be redirected to after completion of the PayNow process. |
The response message for GetPaymentToken Debitsuccess returns a URL PaymentFormURL
which is a unique reference that the customer should be redirected to so that they can enter the payment method information. The token has a lifespan of 10 minutes. This means that the customer needs to access the payment form URL within 10 minutes of the token being issued. The token is for one-time usage, once the operation has started (link is clicked), it cannot be reused.
Once the customer completes the entry of their payment details they will be redirected to the URL provided in the request CallBackURL
field and notification will be sent via POST method to the webhook address configured if any.
Debitsuccess hosted form in payment method capture mode for Credit Card:
Debitsuccess hosted form in payment method capture mode for Bank Account:
Processing a real-time account payment
Process a real-time card payment using the GetPaymentToken (SOAP) or POST PaymentToken (for Account Payment) (REST). The use case process a real-time payment for an account describes various scenarios in which these calls can be used.
Request parameters:
Parameter | Description |
| Debitsuccess reference for account |
| Business/Client reference for account Either |
| RealTimePayment |
| Amount to pay This amount cannot be changed during payment. Meaning if the request was for $11 the customer will not be able to make a payment for $10. However, if the same customer opens the PayNow site directly, the payment amount will not be fixed. |
| True- a one of schedule will be created for the payment if it is successful False - the amount will be allocated towards the account balance, if payment is successful |