Allows clients to append notes to accounts within the Debitsuccess billing system.
The notes are actually prepended to the existing notes and are stored with markers in JSON format indicating the start and end of the new note. The date that the note was amended is also recorded.
Title: This is the title
Date: 2015-05-01 11:00
Donec in venenatis tellus. Donec eu pharetra turpis. Donec pretium mollis tempus. Etiam ullamcorper aliquam erat, sit amet dapibus justo efficitur a. Maecenas vel nulla ut nulla sollicitudin tempor. Ut erat nisi, bibendum mollis sapien vitae, auctor facilisis sapien. Vivamus dictum est sed lorem sodales mollis. Sed lectus mi, lobortis eget pretium ut, semper at magna. Nullam at neque sed nulla luctus interdum. Nulla facilisi. Aenean accumsan elit at quam aliquam, egestas sollicitudin lectus vestibulum. Sed luctus odio at tellus dapibus, sed efficitur odio gravida.
Name | Data Type | Length | Description | |
User | ||||
| String | Required | Provided by Debitsuccess | |
| String | Required | Provided by Debitsuccess | |
RequestInitiator | String | 100 | Optional | Optional – allows requesting user to be logged |
AccountReferenceNo | String | 15 | Optional* | Debitsuccess account reference |
ExternalAccountReferenceNo | String | 50 | Optional* | External account reference |
NoteTitle | String | 100 | Optional* | Optional title for the note |
Notes | String | 10000 | Required | Notes to be added to existing account notes |
* At least one of the following parameters must be supplied: AccountReferenceNo, ExternalAccountReferenceNo
Name | Data Type | Description |
DateCreated | DateTime | Date/time message was processed |
Id | String | Unique ID for the message |
ResponseNotes () | Collection of validation messages | |
| String | |
| String | |
| Enum | Error, Warning, Info |
Status | Enum | Failed, Succeed, Unknown |
Error Messages
Type | Error Code | Error Message |
Error | 12002 | Missing client first name |
Warning | 14020 | DateTime field '{0}' contains time part, but the time is ignored by message. |
Error | 13200 | Title field cannot be more than 10 characters long. |
Error | 02 | Invalid user credentials |
Error | 12016 | Missing required reference number. Must provide either ExternalAccountReferenceNo or AccountReferenceNo or both. |
Error | 08 | There is no record found with this criteria |
Error | 10 | Account is not active |
Error | 07 | Multiple accounts found with this criteria |
Info | 00 | Success |
Error | 12036 | Notes must not be empty. |
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